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Chinese translations with standard Hanyu Pinyin romanization and Chinese characters for Firefly the TV series and Serenity the movie and comic books
Chinese Dialog
Zhe4 shi4 shen2me5 lan4dong1xi5!?
- Simplified characters: 这是什么烂东西!? / Traditional characters: 這是什麼爛東西!?
- Back-translation of Mandarin: What is this trash!?
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
Je shr shuh muh lan dong shi!?
- Translated from script English:
What is this garbage!?
- Context: “Jaynestown,” Wash, referring to Mudder’s Milk
zhe4 shi4 shen2me5
what is this?
- zhe4: this
- shi4: to be
- shen2me5 [usually pronounced “she2me5”]: what?
- shen2 [used only in the compound word shen2me5]
- me5: [suffix for question words]
trash [noun], junk [noun]
- lan4: to be messy, to be dissolute
- dong1xi5: a thing, a creature
- dong1: east
- xi1: west
- Similar insults:
- Ni3 shi4 shen2me5 dong1xi5? 你是什么东西? (traditional: 你是什麼東西?): [insult] What are you anyway?, Who do you think you are?!; ni3: you (singular); shi4: to be; shen2me5 [usually pronounced “she2me5”]: what? [see main entry above]; dong1xi5: a thing, a creature [see main entry above]
- Ni3 bu4 shi4 dong1xi5 你不是东西 (traditional: 你不是東西 ): [insult] You’re nothing; ni3: you (singular); bu4 [pronounced “bu2” before a 4th-tone syllable]: not; shi4: to be; dong1xi5: a thing, a creature [see main entry above]
See also:
- Shen2me5? (“Serenity, Part 2” [Cut], “Shindig,” Serenity [movie] [Cut])
Ye1su1, ta1ma1 de5—
- Simplified characters: 耶稣,他妈的—— / Traditional characters: 耶穌,他媽的——
- Back-translation of Mandarin: Jesus-damn-- (Jesús-damn--)
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
Yeh-soo, ta ma duh --
- Translated from script English:
Hay-soose-mother-of-jumped-up --
[Jesús-mother-of-jumped-up --] - Context: “Jaynestown,” Jayne, as Hero of Canton song starts
Jesus [loanword; transliteration perhaps for Iesus: [Latin] Jesus; Spanish Jesús pronounced like script’s Hay-soose
- Ye1 [used only in compound-word names]: [phonetically used Chinese character]
- su1 [used only in compound words]: [phonetically used Chinese character]; [literally: to revive]
ta1ma1 de5
[offensive] damn/damned [intensifier], f***ing [intensifier]; [literally: his mother’s]
- ta1ma1: [literally: his mother]
- ta1 [de5]: his
- ta1: he
- [understood: de5 的 : [noun-modifier marker] [here: possessive (genitive), ’s, of]]
- ma1: [colloquial] a mom, a mother
- ta1 [de5]: his
- de5: [noun-modifier marker] [here: possessive (genitive), ’s, of]
See also:
- Ni3 ta1ma1 de5. Tian1xia4 suo3you3 de5 ren2. Dou1 gai1si3. (“Serenity, Part 1”)
- Ta1ma1 de5. (“Serenity, Part 1”)
- Ta1ma1 de5 hun2dan4. (“War Stories”)
- Zhen1 ta1ma1 yao4ming4. Zhu4yi4. (“Serenity, Part 1”)
xiong2mao1 niao4
- Simplified characters: 熊猫尿 / Traditional characters: 熊貓尿
- Back-translation of Mandarin: panda urine
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
shiong mao niao
- Translated from script English:
panda urine
- Context: “Jaynestown,” Bartender (of the Canton factory settlement), about Mudder’s Milk being unworthy of the Hero
xiong2mao1 [de5]
panda’s, of a panda
- xiong2mao1: a panda
- xiong2: a bear
- mao1: a cat
- [understood: de5 的 : [noun-modifier marker] [here: possessive (genitive), ’s, of]]
- The Bartender sounds like “shung mao niao” instead of the
shiong mao niao
of the script.
See also:
- chou4 ma3-niao4 (Serenity [novelization])
- niao4 shi1 de5 du3gui3 (“Heart of Gold”)
ge5 zhen1 de5 hun2dan4!
- Simplified characters: 个真的浑蛋! / Traditional characters: 個真的渾蛋!
- Back-translation of Mandarin: a real bastard!
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers): [(Not in script) guh jun duh hwoon dahn!]
- Translated from script English: [Not in script]
- Context: “Jaynestown,” Jayne (off-screen), referring to Boss (Magistrate) Higgins
ge5 zhen1 de5
a real
- ge5: [general classifier for nouns]
- zhen1 de5: to be real, to be true
- zhen1: to be real, to be true
- de5: [noun-modifier marker] [here: integrated adjectival clause (restrictive relative clause)]
[insult] [offensive] a scoundrel, a bastard (nonliteral)
- hun2: to be stupid, to be foolish
- dan4: [word used in insults of people]; [literally: an egg]
See also:
- hun2dan4 (“Serenity, Part 2,” “Bushwhacked,” “Our Mrs. Reynolds,” Serenity: Those Left Behind #1)
- Ta1ma1 de5 hun2dan4. (“War Stories”)
- Simplified/Traditional characters: 胡扯。
- Back-translation of Mandarin: Nonsense.
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
[Taiwan Mandarin pronunciation (FAQ: Variety of Chinese)] - Translated from script English:
Shut up.
[as in 'get out'
(see Note 1 below)] - Context: “Jaynestown,” Zoe, shocked at hearing from Wash that Jayne is a folk hero
to talk nonsense, nonsense
- hu2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: recklessly
- che3: to gossip, to talk irresponsibly
- English:
get out
[of here]: [idiom] you must be joking, there’s no way that that can be true - Zoe sounds like “Ho-tsuh” instead of
(or Modern Standard Mandarin [Putonghua] “Hoo-chuh”). - Also:
- hu2shuo1 胡说 (traditional: 胡說 ): to talk nonsense, nonsense; hu2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: recklessly; shuo1: to talk
- Hu2shuo1!: Nonsense!
Gu1yang2zhong1 de5 gu1yang2.
- Simplified/Traditional characters: 孤羊中的孤羊。
- Back-translation of Mandarin: Orphaned goats among orphaned goats.
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
Goo yang jong duh goo yang.
- Translated from script English:
Motherless goats of all motherless goats.
- Context: “Jaynestown,” Wash, upon noticing land-lock
gu1yang2zhong1 de5
among orphaned goats
- gu1yang2: an orphaned goat
- gu1 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: orphaned
- yang2: a sheep, a goat
- zhong1: [suffix] among
- de5: [noun-modifier marker] [here: possessive (genitive), ’s, of]
an orphaned goat
- gu1 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: orphaned
- yang2: a sheep, a goat
- Wash sounds like “Go yang jong duh goo yang” instead of
Goo yang jong duh goo yang.
Visible Chinese
- Simplified/Traditional characters:
- Back-translation of Mandarin: [name of a fictional brand of whiskey]
- Context: “Jaynestown,” Visible Chinese, in red on bottle of
the best whiskey in th' house
in Canton bar, somewhat visible after bartender knocks Mudder’s Milk from Jayne’s hand and pulls this out
[name of a fictional brand of whiskey] [for this meaning, Chinese character doesn’t represent an independent word in Modern Standard Mandarin (Putonghua)] →
neng2li4 能力 : an ability
- neng2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: an ability, a capability
- li4 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: an ability
- Simplified/Traditional characters:
[style with the bottoms of the two short strokes angled away from the midline instead of toward it:]
- Back-translation of Mandarin: Calm
- Context: “Jaynestown,” Visible Chinese, on candle Inara lights before making tea
[for this meaning, Chinese character doesn’t represent an independent word in Modern Standard Mandarin (Putonghua)] →
ping2jing4 平静 (traditional: 平靜 ): to be quiet (calm), to be tranquil
- ping2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: calm, peaceful
- jing4: to be calm, to be still
See also:
- Ping2an1 (Serenity Official Site)
- Ping2jing4 (“Serenity, Part 1,” “The Train Job,” “Safe,” “The Message,” Firefly Press Kit)
- Simplified/Traditional characters:
- Back-translation of Mandarin: Tao
- Context: “Jaynestown,” Visible Chinese, tattoo on right shoulder of prod as he walks to foreman before Jayne’s speech
[for this meaning, used only in compound words]: Taoism/Daoism
- Simplified characters:
/ Traditional characters: 玩鬧 - Back-translation of Mandarin: Troublemaker
- Context: “Jaynestown,” Visible Chinese, on Jayne’s T-shirt (Jayne T-shirt list) with picture of pistol, visible during his speech
[colloquial] a troublemaker, a rascal, to run wild [see note below]
- wan2: to play, to have fun
- nao4: to make noise, to stir up trouble
- Usual form: wanr2nao4 玩儿闹 (traditional: 玩兒鬧 ): [colloquial] a troublemaker, a rascal, to run wild; wanr2: to play, to toy with (wan2: to play, to have fun; -r: [non-syllabic colloquial suffix] [preceding N is silent: wanr2nao4 means wan2nao4 has become “war2nao4”]); nao4: to make noise, to stir up trouble
See also:
- Wan2nao4 (“The Message,” Serenity [movie])