Serenity Props and Merchandise
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Chinese translations with standard Hanyu Pinyin romanization and Chinese characters for Firefly the TV series and Serenity the movie and comic books
Visible Chinese
Zhong1 Feng1 Chuan4 Lin2 Wan2 Dan1 Wei2 Zhu3 Li4 Ju3 Tuo1 Me5; Ye4 Xia4 Zhang4 Shi4 Cong2 Qi2 Qi1 Yu3 Ding1 Qiu1 Qie3 Si1 Zhuan1 San1 Qie3 Cheng2 Bu4 Cong2 Chou3 Pi1 Bing3 Qie3 Dong1 Zhang4 Qiu1 Ye4 Xia4 Zhang4 Gai4 Yi1 Liang3 Diu1 Wan4 Qie3 Shang4 Bing3 [Not meaningful Chinese]
- Simplified characters:
- Traditional characters: 中豐串臨丸丹為主麗舉乇麼、業下丈世從丌七與丁丘且絲專三且丞不從丑丕丙且東丈丘業下丈 丐一兩丟萬且上丙
- Decryption of Chinese cipher: [substitution code (Chinese code details): a b c d f g h i j k o p; The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs]
- Context: Serenity Props and Merchandise, Visible Chinese, on pad for Cortex with views of ship Serenity, formerly on The Prop Store of London site
Chinese Code 2 ↓
zhong1 feng1 chuan4 lin2 wan2 dan1 wei2 zhu3 li4 ju3 tuo1 me5
[substitution code (Chinese code details): a b c d f g h i j k o p]
Chinese Code 1 ↓
ye4 xia4 zhang4 shi4 cong2 qi2 qi1 yu3 ding1 qiu1 qie3 si1 zhuan1 san1 qie3 cheng2 bu4 cong2 chou3 pi1 bing3 qie3 dong1 zhang4 qiu1 ye4 xia4 zhang4 gai4 yi1 liang3 diu1 wan4 qie3 shang4 bing3
[substitution code (Chinese code details): The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs [common sentence (usually without the final S) for typing practice and displaying font samples, containing all 26 letters]]
You3 Ying2yang3 de5 Shi2pin3; -de5 Xiao3jing1ling2, Jiu3ba1; -shan4 Fu2wu4 Tuan2-
- Simplified characters:
/ Traditional characters: 有營養的食品、的小精靈酒吧、善服務團 - Back-translation of Mandarin: Nutritious Food; [part of: Fighting Elves (see Note 1 below)]; Bar; [part of: Philanthropic Service Organization]
- Context: Serenity Props and Merchandise, Visible Chinese, on
Peach Halves
cans, formerly on The Prop Store of London site; second and third parts incorrectly written mirror-image (list of written-Chinese errors), decorative gibberish for background from reused parts of words from other designs
you3 ying2yang3 de5 shi2pin3
nutritious food
- you3 ying2yang3 de5: nutritious, that has nutrition
- you3: to have, there is
- ying2yang3: nutrition, nourishment
- ying2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: to nourish
- yang3: nourishment, to provide for
- de5: [noun-modifier marker] [here: integrated adjectival clause (restrictive relative clause)]
- shi2pin3: food, foodstuffs
- shi2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: food, food-related
- pin3 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: a product, a commodity
Used as decorative gibberish ↓
-de5 xiao3jing1ling2
[random clipping of phrase] →
Zhan4dou4 de5 Xiao3jing1ling2 战斗的小精灵 (traditional: 戰鬥的小精靈 ): fighting elf/elves [from Jayne’s T-shirt (Jayne T-shirt list); also see Note 1 below]
- zhan4dou4 de5: fighting, combatting, that fight, that combat
- zhan4dou4: to fight, to combat
- zhan4 [used only in compound words (or as a family name)]: to struggle
- dou4: to fight
- de5: [noun-modifier marker] [here: integrated adjectival clause (restrictive relative clause)]
- zhan4dou4: to fight, to combat
- xiao3jing1ling2: an elf
- xiao3: to be small
- jing1ling2: a demon, a spirit
- jing1 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: a demon, a spirit
- ling2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: an elf, a spirit
a bar (barroom) [probably from “The Train Job” ionized-field window]
- jiu3: liquor, spirits
- ba1: a bar (barroom) [loanword; transliteration for bar: [English]]; [literally: [onomatopoeia for “Snap!” sound]]
-shan4 fu2wu4 tuan2-
[random clipping of phrase] →
Ci2shan4 Fu2wu4 Tuan2ti3 慈善服务团体 (traditional: 慈善服務團體 ): philanthropic organization [from Jayne’s T-shirt (Jayne T-shirt list)]
- ci2shan4: to be philanthropic, to be charitable
- ci2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: compassionate, kind [adjective]
- shan4: to be charitable, to be kind
- fu2wu4: service
- fu2: to serve
- wu4 [used only in compound words]: business, affairs
- tuan2ti3: an organization, a group (of people)
- tuan2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: an organization, a group (of people)
- ti3 [used only in compound words]: a body
- Another possibility: zhan4dou4 de5 xiao3jing1ling2: the elf/elves of the fight, the elf/elves of combat, the fight’s elf/elves, combat’s elf/elves; zhan4dou4 de5: of the fight, of combat, the fight’s, combat’s; (zhan4dou4: a fight, combat [noun] [zhan4 [used only in compound words (or as a family name)]: to struggle; dou4: to fight]; de5 [noun-modifier marker] [here: possessive (genitive), ’s, of]); xiao3jing1ling2: an elf [see main entry above]
- The 1984 American movie title Gremlins was translated as Xiao3jing1ling2 《小精灵》 (traditional: 《小精靈》 ).
- Also: zhan4dou4 [+NOUN]: fighting [+NOUN], militant [+NOUN]
See also:
- Ci2shan4 Fu2wu4 Tuan2ti3 (Serenity [movie])
- Jiu3ba1 (“The Train Job,” Firefly DVD Official Site)
- Jiu3ba1 he2 Shao1kao3dian4 (“Shindig”)
- You3 Ying2yang3 de5 Shi2pin3 (“Shindig”)
- You3 Ying2yang3 de5 Shi2pin3; -de5 Xiao3jing1ling2, Jiu3ba1; -shan4 Fu2wu4 Tuan2- (Firefly Props and Merchandise)
- Zhan4dou4 de5 Xiao3jing1ling2 (“Safe,” “Out of Gas,” “War Stories”)
Si4shi2qi1; Qi1; Shi2ba1
- Simplified/Traditional characters:
[see Note 1 below] - Back-translation of Mandarin: Forty-seven; Seven; Eighteen [anti-fraud numerals (see Note 2 below)]
- Context: Serenity Props and Merchandise, Visible Chinese, on gambling tokens from Beaumonde’s The Maidenhead bar, formerly on The Prop Store of London site
Anti-fraud numerals
[see Note 2 below]
- si4shi2: forty
- si4: four
- shi2: ten
- qi1: seven
- shi2: ten
- ba1: eight
- Obsolete character:
(si4 ‘four’; Unihan Database entry) is an obsolete and non–browser-friendly variant of 肆.
- Anti-fraud numerals: Chinese characters for numerals up to one thousand are simple, so they’re easy to alter into a different character for fraud (e.g., changing 一 ‘one’ to 十 ‘ten’). Because until the 20th century there was no common way of writing a word in Latin-alphabet letters or other spelling (e.g., yi1 ‘one’ vs. shi2 ‘ten’), people use more complex numeral-characters in banking and finance to prevent fraud, as the following table shows:
Chinese Numerals Type / Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 100 1000 - aAlso used as a regular numeral
- bTraditional characters:
- er4 贰 (traditional: 貳 )
- san1 叁 (traditional: 叄 )
- liu4 陆 (traditional: 陸 )
Regular Numeral 〇 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 百 千 Anti-fraud Numeral 零a 壹 贰b 叁b 肆 伍 陆b 柒 捌 玖 拾 佰 仟 Hanyu Pinyin romanization ling2 yi1 er4 san1 si4 wu3 liu4 qi1 ba1 jiu3 shi2 bai3 qian1 - The planet Beaumonde is probably named for the term beau monde (from French, literally: ‘fine world’), which refers to the world and people of high society / fashionable society.
San1 Ge5 Ren2 Ding1 Dan4 Qin1 Tong2 [Not meaningful Chinese]
- Simplified characters:
/ Traditional characters: 三個亻丁但親仝 - Back-translation of Mandarin: [decorative gibberish]
- Context (1): Serenity Props and Merchandise, Visible Chinese, on blue-and-black
shield patch on left shoulder of Jayne’s epauletted olive shirt worn in Beaumonde’s The Maidenhead bar, with (presumably decorative gibberish) Arabic writing, formerly on The Prop Store of London site - Context (2): Serenity Props and Merchandise, Visible Chinese, on black-and-red
and blue-and-blackTri-Planet
shield badge designs, with (presumably decorative gibberish) Arabic writing (same as (1)), formerly on The Prop Store of London site
Used as decorative gibberish
[literally: three]
[literally: [general classifier for nouns]]
[literally: [left-side combining form of 人, radical #9 (“person”) for creating and organizing Chinese characters]]
[literally: fourth of the Ten Heavenly Stems (see Note 1 below), fourth (in a series)]
[literally: merely]
[literally: to be loving, to be close (in a personal relationship)]
[literally: [variant of 同 ] to be the same as]
Stems and branches: Chinese astrology and ancient Chinese time-reckoning make use of
- Ten Heavenly Stems (or Ten Celestial Stems) (tian1gan1 天干 : Ten Heavenly Stems; tian1: heaven; gan1 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: Heavenly Stems).
- Twelve Earthly Branches (or Twelve Terrestrial Branches), related to the twelve year-signs of the zodiac (di4zhi1 地支 : Twelve Earthly Branches; di4: the earth; zhi1 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: Earthly Branches).
The table below shows the stems, branches, and Chinese zodiac animals:
Stems and Branches - aThe Ten Heavenly Stems, especially the first few, are also used for labeling items in a series or list like 1, 2, 3,…; A, B, C,…; and Roman numerals I, II, III,….
- bUnlike the other 11 Chinese zodiac animal names, the term for the rat is not an independent word in Modern Standard Mandarin (Putonghua). Thus, one uses, e.g.,
- da4shu3 大鼠 : a rat (da4: to be big; shu3 [used only in compound words]: a mouse, a rat).
- lao3shu3 老鼠 : a mouse, a rat (lao3: [prefix to show respect to someone], [literally: to be old]; shu3 [used only in compound words]: a mouse, a rat).
- xiao3shu3 小鼠 : a mouse (xiao3: to be small; shu3 [used only in compound words]: a mouse, a rat).
- cTraditional characters:
- long2 龙 (traditional: 龍 )
- ma3 马 (traditional: 馬 )
- ji1 鸡 (traditional: 雞 )
- zhu1 猪 (traditional: 豬 )
Ten Heavenly Stemsa 甲
10— Twelve Earthly Branches 子
Zodiac Animals鼠b
12More in the site FAQ and at The Mathematics of the Chinese Calendar
- The planet Beaumonde is probably named for the term beau monde (from French, literally: ‘fine world’), which refers to the world and people of high society / fashionable society.
Chou3 Zhang4 Cheng2 Qi2 Qi1 Lin2 Zhuan1 [Not meaningful Chinese]
- Simplified characters:
/ Traditional characters: 丑丈丞丌七臨專 - Decryption of Chinese cipher: [substitution code (Chinese code details): Mexicdn [sic]]
- Context (1): Serenity Props and Merchandise, Visible Chinese, on black-and-red
shield badge design, with (presumably decorative gibberish) Arabic writing - Context (2): Serenity Props and Merchandise, Visible Chinese, on blue-and-black
shield badge design, with (presumably decorative gibberish) Arabic writing (same as (1)), both designs formerly on The Prop Store of London site [(2) pre-production design that wasn’t used, according to collector-fan pennausamike on the forums]
Chinese Codes 1 and 2
chou3 zhang4 cheng2 qi2 qi1 lin2 zhuan1
[substitution code (Chinese code details): [only D in code 2] Mexicdn [sic (see note below)]]
- Mexicdn: For “Mexican,” the A would be the Chinese character 一 (yi1) in code 1 or 中 (zhong1) in code 2 (Chinese code details).
Lan2ri4; Dan1 Zhi1 Zhong1 Zhu3 Jiu3 Zhong1 Chuan4 Tuo1 Wei2 Tuo1 Gai4; Chuan4 Pie3 Tuo1 Gai4 [Mostly not meaningful Chinese]
- Simplified characters:
/ Traditional characters: 藍日、丹之中主久中串乇為乇丐、串丿乇丐 - Back-translation of Mandarin / decryption of Chinese cipher: Blue Sun; [substitution code (Chinese code details): Grain Acohol; C L O L [sic]]
- Translated/encrypted from the English:
Blue Sun
[new version (“Blue Sun” translation comparison)]; [substitution code (Chinese code details):Grain Alcohol
; (Not shown) C L O L [sic]] - Context: Serenity Props and Merchandise, Visible Chinese, on T-shirt with
100% Grain Alcohol
andBlue Sun
[see Note 1 below], based on Serenity (movie) bottle label, on Quantum Mechanix (QMx) store site (and mentioned on C.A. Bridges’ blog)
Blue Sun [name of a fictional corporation]
- lan2: to be blue (the color)
- ri4 [used only in compound words]: [traditional] or [meaning borrowed from non-Mandarin Chinese] the sun
Chinese Codes 1 and 2 ↓
Dan1 Zhi1 Zhong1 Zhu3 Jiu3 Zhong1 Chuan4 Tuo1 Wei2 Tuo1 Gai4; Chuan4 Pie3 Tuo1 Gai4
[substitution code (Chinese code details): [only first L and third L in code 1] grain acohol [sic]; C L O L [sic; seems to decoratively represent the 70ml
- 70 ml: 70 ml is only 2.37 U.S. fluid ounces (about 1½ shots of liquor). 750 ml (25.36 fl. oz.) is approximately a traditional “fifth” of liquor (⅕ of a gallon; = 25.6 of 128 fl. oz.).
- Also: tai4yang2: 太阳 (traditional: 太陽 ): the sun; tai4 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: great, grand; yang2 [used only in compound words]: the sun
See also:
- Lan2ri4 (“The Message,” Firefly Official Site, Serenity: Firefly Class 03-K64; Leaves on the Wind)
- Lan2ri4; Bing3 Qie3 Diu1; Zhong1 Wu1 Feng1 Zhu3 Wu1 Zha4 Tuo1 Wu1; Wan2 Zhi1 Jiu3; Chuan4 Pie3 Tuo1 Gai4 (Serenity Props and Merchandise)
- Qing1ri4 (“Serenity, Part 1,” “Bushwhacked,” “Shindig,” “Ariel”)
- Qing1tian2 (Serenity: The Shepherd’s Tale)
- Shi4 ni3 de5; Ke3zhen1 ke3zhen1; Lan2ri4 (“The Message”)
- Zhe4 ben3 shu1 shi4 yi1 ge5 Qing1ri4 he2zuo4 chu1ban3 (Firefly: The Official Companion, Volume Two)
Lan2ri4; Bing3 Qie3 Diu1; Zhong1 Wu1 Feng1 Zhu3 Wu1 Zha4 Tuo1 Wu1; Wan2 Zhi1 Jiu3; Chuan4 Pie3 Tuo1 Gai4 [Mostly not meaningful Chinese]
- Simplified characters:
/ Traditional characters: 藍日、丙且丟、中烏豐丶烏乍乇烏、丸之久、串丿乇丐 - Back-translation of Mandarin / decryption of Chinese cipher: Blue Sun; [substitution code (Chinese code details): Soy; Asbestos F r n; C l o l [sic]]
- Translated/encrypted from the English:
Blue Sun
[new version (“Blue Sun” translation comparison)]; [substitution code (Chinese code details): (Not shown) Soy; Asbestos F r n; C l o l [sic]] - Context: Serenity Props and Merchandise, Visible Chinese, on can label with
Blue Sun
[see Note 1 below] and Arabic writing, formerly on The Prop Store of London site
Blue Sun [name of a fictional corporation]
- lan2: to be blue (the color)
- ri4 [used only in compound words]: [traditional] or [meaning borrowed from non-Mandarin Chinese] the sun
Chinese Code 1 ↓
Bing3 Qie3 Diu1
[substitution code (Chinese code details): soy]
Chinese Code 2 ↓
Zhong1 Wu1 Feng1 Zhu3 Wu1 Zha4 Tuo1 Wu1; Wan2 Zhi1 Jiu3
[substitution code (Chinese code details): asbestos; F R N [sic; probably random letters to extend the line to the length of the Blue Sun logo]]
Chinese Codes 1 and 2 ↓
Chuan4 Pie3 Tuo1 Gai4
[substitution code (Chinese code details): [only second L in code 1] C L O L [sic; seems to decoratively represent the 70ml
- 70 ml: 70 ml is only 2.37 U.S. fluid ounces (about 1½ shots of liquor). 750 ml (25.36 fl. oz.) is approximately a traditional “fifth” of liquor (⅕ of a gallon; = 25.6 of 128 fl. oz.).
- Also: tai4yang2: 太阳 (traditional: 太陽 ): the sun; tai4 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: great, grand; yang2 [used only in compound words]: the sun
See also:
- Lan2ri4 (“The Message,” Firefly Official Site, Serenity: Firefly Class 03-K64; Leaves on the Wind)
- Lan2ri4; Dan1 Zhi1 Zhong1 Zhu3 Jiu3 Zhong1 Chuan4 Tuo1 Wei2 Tuo1 Gai4; Chuan4 Pie3 Tuo1 Gai4 (Serenity Props and Merchandise)
- Qing1ri4 (“Serenity, Part 1,” “Bushwhacked,” “Shindig,” “Ariel”)
- Qing1tian2 (Serenity: The Shepherd’s Tale)
- Shi4 ni3 de5; Ke3zhen1 ke3zhen1; Lan2ri4 (“The Message”)
- Zhe4 ben3 shu1 shi4 yi1 ge5 Qing1ri4 he2zuo4 chu1ban3 (Firefly: The Official Companion, Volume Two)
Yin2; Lan2; Jiu3 Tuo1 Le4 Zhu3 Wu1 Zha4 Wei2 Zha4 Zhu3 Nai3 Wan2 Tuo1 Zhi1 Zhong1; Jiu3 Pie3 Nai3; Chou3 Yi1 Zhuan1 Wan4 Zhang4 Gai4; Bing3; 750 Zhu3 Tuo1 Wan2 [Mostly not meaningful Chinese]
- Simplified characters: 银、
- Traditional characters:
、藍、久乇樂主烏乍為乍主乃丸乇之中、久丿乃、丑一專萬丈丐、丙、750丶乇丸 - Back-translation of Mandarin / decryption of Chinese cipher: Silver [see Note 1 below]; Blue; [substitution code (Chinese code details): Now is th tim for a; N L M; Mandel; S]; 750 [probably milliliters] [substitution code: E O F (see Note 2 below)]
- Context: Serenity Props and Merchandise, Visible Chinese, on label of green bottle from Beaumonde’s The Maidenhead bar, formerly on The Prop Store of London site
Silver [name of a fictional brand of liquor], silver (the metal) [see Note 1 below]
[used as a written abbreviation] →
Lan2ri4 蓝日 (traditional: 藍日 ): Blue Sun [name of a fictional corporation]
- lan2: to be blue (the color)
- ri4 [used only in compound words]: [traditional] or [meaning borrowed from non-Mandarin Chinese] the sun
Chinese Code 2 ↓
jiu3 tuo1 le4 zhu3 wu1 zha4 wei2 zha4 zhu3 nai3 wan2 tuo1 zhi1 zhong1; jiu3 pie3 nai3
[substitution code (Chinese code details): Now is th tim for a [sic; part of common sentence for typing practice / filler text: Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party / Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country]; N L M (see Note 2 below)]
Chinese Code 1 ↓
chou3 yi1 zhuan1 wan4 zhang4 gai4; bing3
[substitution code (Chinese code details): Mandel (see Note 2 below); S]
Chinese Code 2 ↓
(750) zhu3 tuo1 wan2
[substitution code (Chinese code details): E O F (see Note 2 below)]
- Yin2: The yin2 is probably decorative gibberish clipped from the Alliance paper money’s yin2hang2 银行 (traditional:
): a bank (financial institution); yin2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: money-related; [literally: silver]; hang2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: a business, a firm. - Mandel: The code for “Mandel” and probably the codes for E O F and N L M represent letters from the name of Serenity (movie) graphic designer Geoffrey Mandel.
- Also: tai4yang2: 太阳 (traditional: 太陽 ): the sun; tai4 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: great, grand; yang2 [used only in compound words]: the sun
- The planet Beaumonde is probably named for the term beau monde (from French, literally: ‘fine world’), which refers to the world and people of high society / fashionable society.
Bing3 Cong2 Pi1 Qiu1 Zhang4 Chou3 Qie3 Ye4 Zhang4 Shi4 Cong2 Qi2; Chou3 Qi1; 45 Le4 Shang4 Gai4 Qi1 Yi1 Pi1; 0.720 Gai4; Qiu1 Dan1 Bing3 Bing3 Zhuan1 Tuo1 Pi1 0031; Xia4 Zhang4 Qi1 Xia4 Qie3 Zhang4 Zhuan1 Zhuan1 Cong2 Zhang4 Dong1 Dan1; Ye4 Zhang4 Shi4 Cong2 Qi2 Gai4 Yi1 Wan4 Zhang4 Wan4 Zhang4 Bing3 Ye4 Qi2 Gai4 Zhang4 Qiu1 Qi2; Zhang4 [?Zhuan1 Gai4] Bing3 Wan4 Qie3 Wan4 Zhang4 Qie3 Qiu1 Qi2 Shang4 Zhang4 Zhuan1 Wan4 Zhang4 Bing3 Ye4 Qi2 Gai4 Zhang4 Qiu1 Qi2 Yi1 Qi1 Yi1 Wan4 Zhang4 Zhuan1 [Mostly or entirely not meaningful Chinese]
- Simplified characters:
、丑 七
、45仂上.丐. 七一丕.
、丘丹丙丙 专乇 丕0031
、下丈七下且 丈专 专丛丈东丹
- Traditional characters: 丙從丕丘丈丑且業丈世從丌、丑 七、45仂上.丐. 七一丕.、0.720丐、丘丹丙丙 專乇 丕0031、下丈七下且 丈專 專從丈東丹、業丈世從丌丐一萬丈萬丈丙業丌丐丈丘丌、丈[?專丐]丙萬且萬丈且丘丌上丈專萬丈丙業丌丐丈丘丌一七一萬丈專
- Decryption of Chinese cipher (English/Spanish): [substitution code (Chinese code details): Supremo Tequi; M C]; 45 Fraction [substitution code: G.L. Cap.]; 0.720 [substitution code: L; RGSS No P]0031 [Number P-Zero-Zero-Three-One]; Hecho en Nuevg; Tequila de Destileri; E[?n] [?l]sdo de Origen Destileria Caden] [sic]
- Context: Serenity Props and Merchandise, Visible Chinese, on label with Arabic writing and the coat of arms of Mexico, on clear bottle from Beaumonde’s The Maidenhead bar, formerly on The Prop Store of London site
Chinese Code 1 ↓
bing3 cong2 pi1 qiu1 zhang4 chou3 qie3 ye4 zhang4 shi4 cong2 qi2
[substitution code (Chinese code details): supremo tequi [sic; [Spanish] supremo tequila / tequila supremo (see Note 1 below) (English: supreme tequila)]]
chou3 qi1
[substitution code (Chinese code details): M C (see Note 2 below)]
Mandarin ↓
(45) le4
[used only in compound words]: a remainder, a fraction [see Note 3 below]
Chinese Code 1 ↓
shang4 gai4 qi1 yi1 pi1; (0.720) gai4
[substitution code (Chinese code details): G.L. [[Spanish] grados Gay Lussac; [English] degrees Gay-Lussac], cap. [[Spanish] capacidad; [English] capacity] [see Note 3 below]; L [[Spanish] litros; [English] liters]]
Chinese Codes 1 and 2 ↓
qiu1 dan1 bing3 bing3 zhuan1 tuo1 pi1 (0031)
[substitution code (Chinese code details): [only G and O in code 2] RGSS No [[Spanish] N.o = número (also Núm., Nro.); [English] No. / № = number (from Latin numero; also, in USA and Canada, #)] P0031 [P-Zero-Zero-Three-One]]
xia4 zhang4 qi1 xia4 qie3 zhang4 zhuan1 zhuan1 cong2 zhang4 dong1 dan1
[substitution code (Chinese code details): [only G in code 2] hecho en Nuevg [sic; [Spanish] hecho en Nuevo/Nueva (English: made in New)]]
Chinese Code 1 ↓
ye4 zhang4 shi4 cong2 qi2 gai4 yi1 wan4 zhang4 wan4 zhang4 bing3 ye4 qi2 gai4 zhang4 qiu1 qi2; zhang4 [?zhuan1 gai4] bing3 wan4 qie3 wan4 zhang4 qie3 qiu1 qi2 shang4 zhang4 zhuan1 wan4 zhang4 bing3 ye4 qi2 gai4 zhang4 qiu1 qi2 yi1 qi1 yi1 wan4 zhang4 zhuan1
[substitution code (Chinese code details): tequila de destileri [sic; [Spanish] tequila de destilería (English: tequila from distillery)]; e[?n] [?l]sdo de origen destileria caden [sic; [Spanish] [?en lado (see Note 4 below)] de origen Destilería Caden[?a] (English: [?in place] of origin Caden Distillery—or incomplete Spanish cadena: a chain (literal and of businesses)]]
Tequila: Despite ending in -a, tequila is a Spanish masculine noun and correctly takes, as above, the adjective masculine form supremo not suprema. Also, in Spanish the adjective normally follows the noun but can precede it for emphasis or to express that the descriptor is obvious/unremarkable.
Tequila is an alcoholic beverage distilled from the fermented sap of the blue agave plant (Agave tequilana) and in Mandarin is long2she2lan2jiu3 龙舌兰酒 (traditional: 龍舌蘭酒 ) : tequila; long2she2lan2: an agave, a century plant (a type of agave) (long2: a dragon; she2 [used only in compound words]: a tongue, a tongue-shaped object; lan2: an orchid); jiu3: liquor, spirits.
- M C: M C could be part of the name of a fictional brand of tequila, or an abbreviation for Mexico City (Spanish: Ciudad de México or México, D. F. [Distrito Federal]), or an abbreviation for the the municipality of Marcos Castellanos, Michoacán, Mexico, which is in the official region of origin for tequila (Mexico’s Tequila Regulatory Council | Consejo Regulador del Tequila).
- Degrees Gay-Lussac: 45° GL (45 degrees Gay-Lussac; named for French chemist Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac [1778–1850]) = 45% alcohol by volume (ABV) = 90 proof (U.S.). This means there are 45 ml of ethyl alcohol per 100 ml of liquid. 720 ml (0.720 L) is about 24.35 U.S. fluid ounces (750 ml [25.36 fl. oz.] is approximately a traditional “fifth” of liquor, ⅕ of a gallon; = 25.6 of 128 fl. oz.).
The label’s
(le4: a remainder, a fraction) should be 45度 : du4: [classifier for degrees] [here: of intensity]. On labels, “Alcohol 45% by Vol.” (or “45% ABV” or “45%alc./vol.” or “Alcohol 45% v/v”) in China would usually be “酒精度:45%vol”: jiu3jing1du4: alcohol content; jiu3jing1: alcohol (jiu3: liquor, spirits; jing1: an essence, a concentrate); du4 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: the degree of intensity. - En lado: En lado de origen ‘in place of origin’ could be el lado de origen ‘(the) place of origin’, but the label looks more like 丈专 en than 丈丐 el.
- The planet Beaumonde is probably named for the term beau monde (from French, literally: ‘fine world’), which refers to the world and people of high society / fashionable society.