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Firefly–Serenity Chinese Pinyinary
Chinese translations with standard Hanyu Pinyin romanization and Chinese characters for Firefly the TV series and Serenity the movie and comic books

Chinese Dialog

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Wei4! [#1]




  1. The captions (region 1 DVD) incorrectly have English Wait!
  2. Also: wei4: hello (on telephone)

See also:

  • Wei4! (“Shindig” [below])

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Wei4! [#2]




  1. The captions (region 1 DVD) incorrectly have English Wait!
  2. Also: wei4: hello (on telephone)

See also:

  • Wei4! (“Shindig” [above])

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darling, sweetheart

  1. bao3 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: treasured, precious
  2. bei4 [used only in compound words (or as a family name)]: a cowrie (sea-snail shell once used as money)


  1. The captions have the Hanyu Pinyin romanization form baobei on the region 1 DVD.
  2. Also: bao3bei5 宝贝 (traditional: 寶貝 ): [colloquial] darling, sweetheart

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wen2guo5 pi4

wen2guo5 pi4

smelled a fart

  1. wen2guo5: smelled
    1. wen2: to smell (something)
    2. guo5: [completed-action marker]
  2. pi4: a fart


  • Badger sounds like “wun gwa pee,” which is about as close to “wun gwaw pee,” as the script’s wun gwo pee is.

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a butt (of the body), a backside (of the body)

  1. pi4 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: [colloquial] a butt (of the body), a backside (of the body)
  2. gu3 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: a thigh


  • The captions have the Hanyu Pinyin romanization form pigu on the region 1 DVD.

See also:

  • fei4fei4 de5 pi4yan3 (“Objects in Space”)
  • hou2zi5 de5 pi4gu5! (“Trash”)
  • Tai4kong1 suo3you3 de5 xing1qiu2 dou1 sai1jin4 wo3 de5 pi4gu5 (“War Stories”)
  • Ti1 wo3 de5 pi4gu5. (“Shindig”)

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Lao3peng2you5, ni3 kan4 qi5lai5 hen3 you3 jing1shen5.


an old friend

  1. lao3: to be old
  2. peng2you5: a friend
    1. peng2 [used only in compound words]: a friend
    2. you3 [used only in compound words]: a friend


you (singular)

kan4 qi5lai5

it looks as if, it seems

  1. kan4: to look at, to see
  2. qi3lai5: [verb/adjective complement for an action that began and continues]
    1. qi3: to begin
    2. lai2: to do

hen3 you3 jing1shen5

to be full of vitality

  1. hen3: very much
  2. you3: to have, there is
  3. jing1shen5: vigor, vitality
    1. jing1 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: energy, spirit
    2. shen2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: energy, vitality


  • Also: jing1shen2 精神 : the mind, the spirit; jing1 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: energy, spirit; shen2: the mind, the spirit

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gou3shi3 [#1]


[insult] [offensive] crap (a worthless thing); [literally: [offensive] dog dung]

  1. gou3: a dog
  2. shi3: excrement, dung


  • Atherton sounds like “go-suh.” The captions have go-se on the region 1 DVD.

See also:

  • gen1 hou2zi5 bi3 diu1 shi3 (“Heart of Gold”)
  • gou3shi3 (“Shindig” [below], “Safe” [Cut], “Out of Gas,” “The Message” [Cut], Serenity [novelization])
  • niu2shi3 (“War Stories”)
  • zheng1qi4 de5 gou3shi3dui1 (“Our Mrs. Reynolds” [Cut])

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gou3shi3 [#2]


[insult] [offensive] crap (a worthless thing); [literally: [offensive] dog dung]

  1. gou3: a dog
  2. shi3: excrement, dung


  • Atherton sounds like “go-suh.” The captions have go-se on the region 1 DVD.

See also:

  • gen1 hou2zi5 bi3 diu1 shi3 (“Heart of Gold”)
  • gou3shi3 (“Shindig” [above, below], “Safe” [Cut], “Out of Gas,” “The Message” [Cut], Serenity [novelization])
  • niu2shi3 (“War Stories”)
  • zheng1qi4 de5 gou3shi3dui1 (“Our Mrs. Reynolds” [Cut])

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gou3shi3 [#3]


[insult] [offensive] crap (a worthless thing); [literally: [offensive] dog dung]

  1. gou3: a dog
  2. shi3: excrement, dung


  • Atherton sounds like “go-suh.” The captions have go-se on the region 1 DVD.

See also:

  • gen1 hou2zi5 bi3 diu1 shi3 (“Heart of Gold”)
  • gou3shi3 (“Shindig” [above, below], “Safe” [Cut], “Out of Gas,” “The Message” [Cut], Serenity [novelization])
  • niu2shi3 (“War Stories”)
  • zheng1qi4 de5 gou3shi3dui1 (“Our Mrs. Reynolds” [Cut])

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gou3shi3 [#4]


[offensive] dog dung

  1. gou3: a dog
  2. shi3: excrement, dung


  1. Gou3shi3 meaning: Both English, with the word crap, and Modern Standard Mandarin (Putonghua), with the word gou3shi3, have one word that literally means ‘dung’ and figuratively means ‘worthless thing.’ Thus, Atherton’s above use of gos se [crap] to insult the ship Serenity. English also uses Crap! (‘Damn!’) as an interjection, but Mandarin doesn’t use gou3shi3 like that. Inara’s follow-up Oh gos se [crap] doesn’t work because for that meaning she would have to switch to, e.g., ai1ya1 哎呀 : [interjection for shock, regret, or distress], Oh!, Oh my!, Ah!, Damn!; ai1: [interjection for surprise, regret, or distress], Oh!, Ah!; ya1: [interjection for surprise], Oh!, Ah!
  2. Inara sounds like “go-suh.” The captions have go-se on the region 1 DVD.

See also:

  • gen1 hou2zi5 bi3 diu1 shi3 (“Heart of Gold”)
  • gou3shi3 (“Shindig” [above], “Safe” [Cut], “Out of Gas,” “The Message” [Cut], Serenity [novelization])
  • niu2shi3 (“War Stories”)
  • zheng1qi4 de5 gou3shi3dui1 (“Our Mrs. Reynolds” [Cut])

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thank you, thanks [expression]

  1. xie4: [repeated with neutral 5th tone] to thank


  1. The captions have the Hanyu Pinyin romanization form Xie-xie on the region 1 DVD.
  2. Also:
    • fei1chang2 gan3xie4 非常感谢 (traditional: 非常感謝 ): thank you very much; fei1chang2: very, highly (fei1: not, to be not; chang2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: regular, normal); gan3xie4: to thank, to be thankful, thanks [noun and expression] (gan3: to feel, to feel grateful; xie4: to thank)
    • gan3xie4 感谢 (traditional: 感謝 ): to thank, to be thankful, thanks [noun and expression] [see above]

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[usually pronounced “she2me5”]: what?

  1. shen2 [used only in the compound word shen2me5]
  2. me5: [suffix for question words]


  • Kaylee sounds like “Shuh moo” instead of Shuh muh? The captions (region 1 DVD) have Shu muh?

See also:

  • Shen2me5? (“Serenity, Part 2” [Cut], Serenity [movie] [Cut])
  • Zhe4 shi4 shen2me5 lan4dong1xi5!? (“Jaynestown”)

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Cai2 bu4 shi4.

cai2 bu4 shi4

actually no, No way (for disagreement)

  1. cai2: actually (for certainty or refuting)
  2. bu4 shi4: to not be, [set phrase] No!
    1. bu4 [pronounced “bu2” before a 4th-tone syllable]: not
    2. shi4: to be

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yu2ben4 de5

yu2ben4 de5

to be stupid, to be foolish

  1. yu2 [used only in compound words]: stupid, foolish
  2. ben4: to be stupid
  3. de5: [noun-modifier marker] [here: integrated adjectival clause (restrictive relative clause)]

See also:

  • Ben4 tian1sheng1 de5 yi1 dui1 rou4. (“Trash”)
  • Liu2 kou3shui3 de5 biao3zi5 he2 hou2zi5 de5 ben4 er2zi5. (“Safe”)

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Cut Chinese Dialog

Ti1 wo3 de5 pi4gu5.


to kick

wo3 de5 pi4gu5

my butt (of the body)

  1. wo3 de5: my
    1. wo3: I
    2. de5: [noun-modifier marker] [here: possessive (genitive), ’s, of]
  2. pi4gu5: a butt (of the body), a backside (of the body)
    1. pi4 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: [colloquial] a butt (of the body), a backside (of the body)
    2. gu3 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: a thigh

See also:

  • fei4fei4 de5 pi4yan3 (“Objects in Space”)
  • hou2zi5 de5 pi4gu5! (“Trash”)
  • pi4gu5 (“Shindig”)
  • Tai4kong1 suo3you3 de5 xing1qiu2 dou1 sai1jin4 wo3 de5 pi4gu5 (“War Stories”)

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[exclamation of surprise], Wah!, Wow!

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Visible Chinese

Ru2guo3 tai2qiu2 huai4le5, na4me5 guan3li3 jiu4 bu4 fu4ze2 de5.

ru2guo3 tai2qiu2 huai4le5

if a billiard ball becomes ruined

  1. ru2guo3: if
    1. ru2: if
    2. guo3: if
  2. tai2qiu2: a billiard ball
    1. tai2: a table
    2. qiu2: a ball (spherical object)
  3. huai4le5: ruined, destroyed
    1. huai4: to ruin, to destroy
    2. le5: [completion marker]

na4me5 guan3li3 jiu4 bu4 fu4ze2 de5

then management is definitely not responsible

  1. na4me5: then, in that case
    1. na4: then, in that case
    2. me5: [suffix for adverbs] [which is another use of na4me5 ‘in that way’]
  2. guan3li3: the management
    1. guan3: to supervise
    2. li3 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: to manage
  3. jiu4: [marker for emphasis]
  4. bu4 [pronounced “bu2” before 4th-tone syllable but not when, as here, it also follows a 4th-tone syllable]: not
  5. fu4ze2: to be responsible for
    1. fu4: to bear (responsibility)
    2. ze2 [used only in compound words]: responsibility
  6. de5: [assertion marker]

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Jin4lai5 Xin4xi1


to come in, to enter

  1. jin4: to come in, to enter
  2. lai2: to come


a message, news

  1. xin4 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: a message
  2. xi1 [used only in compound words]: news

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[traditional Chinese medicine] Chinese caterpillar fungus [Cordyceps sinensis (see note below)]

  1. dong1: the winter
  2. chong2: an insect, a worm
  3. xia4 [used only in compound words (or as a place/dynasty/family name)]: the summer
  4. cao3: grass


  • Product Chinese name: The fungus’s life cycle is the source of the name, dong1chong2-xia4cao3:
    • Winter (dong1): Underground is a maturing moth caterpillar, and the fugus parasitically spawns in the body of the insect (chong2).
    • Summer (xia4): Out of the insect grows the fungus’s (edible) spore-bearing stroma, which pushes up through the ground and resembles grass (cao3).
    The Tibetan name is yartsa gunbu. More on Chinese caterpillar fungus (provided for information purposes only): Down to Earth

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to be elegant, to be beautiful (style)

  1. you1 [used only in compound words]: excellent, superior
  2. mei3: to be beautiful, to be superior

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Jiang3jiu5 de5 Fu2zhuang1

jiang3jiu5 de5

to be tasteful, to be stylish

  1. jiang3: to be particular about
  2. jiu1 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: to study carefully
  3. de5: [noun-modifier marker] [here: integrated adjectival clause (restrictive relative clause)]


clothing, attire

  1. fu2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: clothing
  2. zhuang1 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: clothing

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formal attire, ceremonial clothing

  1. li3 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: a ceremony, a rite
  2. fu2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: clothing

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[Chinese character doesn’t represent an independent word in Modern Standard Mandarin (Putonghua); still used in:] →
san3bing1you2yong3 散兵游勇 (traditional: 散兵遊勇 ): [set phrase] [military] stragglers (soldiers scattered from a troop) and disbanded soldiers

  1. san3bing1: [military] stragglers (soldiers scattered from a troop), [military] a skirmisher
    1. san3 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: scattered
    2. bing1: the troops, an army
  2. you2yong3: stragglers (soldiers scattered from a troop) and disbanded soldiers
    1. you2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: to roam, to rove
    2. yong3 [used only in compound words]: a soldier


  1. Yong3 usually means ‘brave’ in Modern Standard Mandarin (Putonghua) → yong3gan3 勇敢 : to be brave, to be courageous; yong3 [used only in compound words]: brave, courageous; gan3 to be brave, to be courageous.
  2. Also: jun1ren2 军人 (traditional: 軍人 ): a soldier (in the army); jun1 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: military; ren2: a person

See also:

  • Yong3 (“The Train Job”; “Ariel”; “War Stories”; Firefly: The Official Companion, Volume One; Firefly: The Official Companion, Volume Two)

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Jiu3ba1 he2 Shao1kao3dian4

jiu3ba1 he2 shao1kao3dian4

a bar & grill

  1. jiu3ba1: a bar (barroom)
    1. jiu3: liquor, spirits
    2. ba1: a bar (barroom) [loanword; transliteration for bar: [English]]; [literally: [onomatopoeia for “Snap!” sound]]
  2. he2: and [for joining nouns not clauses]
  3. shao1kao3dian4: a grill (type of restaurant)
    1. shao1kao3: to grill, to barbecue
      1. shao1: to burn, to cook
      2. kao3: to roast, to grill
    2. dian4: a shop, a store

See also:

  • Jiu3ba1 (“The Train Job,” Firefly DVD Official Site)
  • You3 Ying2yang3 de5 Shi2pin3; -de5 Xiao3jing1ling2, Jiu3ba1; -shan4 Fu2wu4 Tuan2- (Firefly Props and Merchandise, Serenity Props and Merchandise)

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tour bus

  1. you2lan3: sight-seeing, to tour
    1. you2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: to travel
    2. lan3 [used only in compound words]: to watch, to look at
  2. che1: a vehicle

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Miyamoto Goteiraku [Not Chinese]



[a Japanese family name / place name]

  1. miya: [literally: an imperial court]
  2. moto: [literally: a basis]

go tei raku

[literally: five faithful pleasures] [borrowings from Chinese (see Note 1 below)]

  1. go: five
  2. tei [used only in compound words]: faithful, chaste (of a woman’s sexuality)
  3. raku: comfort [noun], pleasure [noun]


  1. Chinese loanwords in Japanese: More than 1,500 years ago literate Japanese people wrote in Chinese before eventually translating Japanese words into the Chinese characters for Chinese words with similar meanings as well as borrowing many abstract and religious words from Chinese.

    The go, tei, and raku in Modern Standard Mandarin (Putonghua) are, respectively:

    • wu3 : five
    • zhen1 (traditional: ) [used only in compound words]: loyal, faithful, chaste (of a woman’s sexuality)
    • le4 (traditional: ): to enjoy, to be happy
  2. In Japan the character has been simplified to , but in China has been simplified to . Also, in China the character was simplified to , but Japan still uses .
  3. In Japan during the Showa era’s (1926–1989) early period, mid-1920s to mid-1940s, there was reportedly a famous male live-comedy performer with a name (or, more likely, stage name) similar to Miyamoto Goteiraku: Miyamura Goteraku 宮村 五貞楽 (Japanese old-fashioned characters: 宮村 五貞樂 ) (mura: [literally: a village]). See the 2005 interview with his nephew, Japanese actor Kaneda Ryuunosuke 金田 龍之介 (1928–2009) (question 2 of interview related Miyamura Goteraku; page in Japanese) and the 2007 blog post about the history of the Juso area of Osaka (city), Japan (paragraph 3 of post related Miyamura Goteraku; page in Japanese).

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You3 Ying2yang3 de5 Shi2pin3

you3 ying2yang3 de5 shi2pin3

nutritious food

  1. you3 ying2yang3 de5: nutritious, that has nutrition
    1. you3: to have, there is
    2. ying2yang3: nutrition, nourishment
      1. ying2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: to nourish
      2. yang3: nourishment, to provide for
    3. de5: [noun-modifier marker] [here: integrated adjectival clause (restrictive relative clause)]
  2. shi2pin3: food, foodstuffs
    1. shi2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: food, food-related
    2. pin3 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: a product, a commodity

See also:

  • You3 Ying2yang3 de5 Shi2pin3; -de5 Xiao3jing1ling2, Jiu3ba1; -shan4 Fu2wu4 Tuan2- (Firefly Props and Merchandise, Serenity Props and Merchandise)

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Blue Sun [name of a fictional corporation]

  1. qing1: to be green (the color), to be blue (the color)
  2. ri4 [used only in compound words]: [traditional] or [meaning borrowed from non-Mandarin Chinese] the sun


  • Also: tai4yang2: 太阳 (traditional: 太陽 ): the sun; tai4 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: great, grand; yang2 [used only in compound words]: the sun

See also:

  • Lan2ri4 (“The Message,” Firefly Official Site, Serenity: Firefly Class 03-K64; Leaves on the Wind)
  • Lan2ri4; Bing3 Qie3 Diu1; Zhong1 Wu1 Feng1 Zhu3 Wu1 Zha4 Tuo1 Wu1; Wan2 Zhi1 Jiu3; Chuan4 Pie3 Tuo1 Gai4 (Serenity Props and Merchandise)
  • Lan2ri4; Dan1 Zhi1 Zhong1 Zhu3 Jiu3 Zhong1 Chuan4 Tuo1 Wei2 Tuo1 Gai4; Chuan4 Pie3 Tuo1 Gai4 (Serenity Props and Merchandise)
  • Qing1ri4 (“Serenity, Part 1,” “Bushwhacked,” “Ariel”)
  • Qing1tian2 (Serenity: The Shepherd’s Tale)
  • Shi4 ni3 de5; Ke3zhen1 ke3zhen1; Lan2ri4 (“The Message”)
  • You3 Ying2yang3 de5 Shi2pin3; -de5 Xiao3jing1ling2, Jiu3ba1; -shan4 Fu2wu4 Tuan2-
  • Zhe4 ben3 shu1 shi4 yi1 ge5 Qing1ri4 he2zuo4 chu1ban3 (Firefly: The Official Companion, Volume Two)

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Wei1 Dian4, Fen1


[for this meaning, Chinese character doesn’t represent an independent word in Modern Standard Mandarin (Putonghua)] →
wei1xian3 危险 (traditional: 危險 ): danger, to be dangerous

  1. wei1 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: danger, dangerous
  2. xian3: to be dangerous


electricity, to get an electric shock


[used only in compound words]: vapor


  • Standard warning signs with electricity:
    • dang1xin1 chu4dian4 当心触电 (traditional: 當心觸電 ): careful: electric shock; dang1xin1: to be careful, to take care (dang1 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: appropriate [adjective]; xin1: feelings, the mind); chu4dian4: to get an electric shock (chu4: to touch; dian4: to get an electric shock)
    • jing3gao4: gao1ya1dian4 警告 高压电 (traditional: 警告 高壓電 ): warning: high voltage; jing3gao4: a warning (jing3 [used only in compound words]: to warn; gao4 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: to report, to notify); gao1ya1dian4: high voltage (gao1ya1: high voltage [gao1: to be high (of level); ya1 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: pressure [noun]]; dian4: electricity, to get an electric shock)
    • xiao3xin1you3dian4 小心有电 (traditional: 小心有電 ): careful: electricity; xiao3xin1: to be careful, to take care (xiao3: to be small; xin1: feelings, the mind); you3: to have, there is; dian4: electricity, to get an electric shock
    • you3dian4wei1xian3 有电危险 (traditional: 有電危險 ): electric shock risk; you3: to have, there is; dian4: electricity, to get an electric shock; wei1xian3: danger, to be dangerous (wei1 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: danger, dangerous; xian3: to be dangerous)

See also:

  • Wei1 (“Ariel,” “Trash,” “Objects in Space”)
  • Wei1 Dian4, Fen1 (“Serenity, Part 1,” “The Train Job,” “Our Mrs. Reynolds,” “Out of Gas,” “Ariel,” “War Stories,” “Trash,” “The Message”)

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Ying2huo3chong2–Ning2jing4 Zhong1wen2 Pin1yin1-dian3
Firefly–Serenity Chinese Pinyinary