Z (tz), Zh (j)
(Zh: see also J)
Firefly–Serenity Chinese Pinyinary Page Sections: Chinese Dialog | Search:
Chinese translations with standard Hanyu Pinyin romanization and Chinese characters for Firefly the TV series and Serenity the movie and comic books
Chinese Dialog
- Simplified/Traditional characters: 糟糕!
- Back-translation of Mandarin: Damn!
- 1. Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
Tzao gao.
- Translated from script English:
- Context: “Bushwhacked,” Wash, upon learning it was a Reaver attack
- 2. Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
- Translated from script English:
Damn it!
- Context: “War Stories,” Mal, upon seeing laser-sight dot
- 3. Novelization Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
- Possibly translated from the English: Damn it! [from “War Stories” script]
- Context: Serenity (novelization) [Thought], Mal, p. 10, as skiff plummets toward him
- 4. Novelization Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
- Possibly translated from the English: Damn it! [from “War Stories” script]
- Context: Serenity (novelization) [Thought], Mal, p. 242, when he’s stabbed
[colloquial] Damn!, What a mess!
- zao1: to be ruined, [literally and figuratively] to be spoiled
- gao1: cake, pudding
Zen3me5 le5?
- Simplified characters: 怎么了? / Traditional characters: 怎麼了?
- Back-translation of Mandarin: What’s wrong?
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
Tzuh muh luh?
- Translated from script English:
What's going on?
- Context: “Our Mrs. Reynolds” [Deleted scene on DVD], Simon, to Book as River escorts him to Book
zen3me5 le5
What happened?, What’s wrong?
- zen3me5: why?, how?
- zen3: why, how
- me5: [suffix for question words]
- le5: [completion marker]
zhan4dou3 de5 yi1 kuai4 rou4
- Simplified characters: 战抖的一块肉 / Traditional characters: 戰抖的一塊肉
- Back-translation of Mandarin: trembling piece of flesh
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
JAN-doh duh ee-KWAI-ro
- Translated from script English:
dangly piece of flesh
- Context: “Trash” [Cut], Zoe, referring to what Mal shouldn’t think with
zhan4dou3 de5
trembling, that trembles
- zhan4dou3: to tremble, to shiver (with cold or fear)
- zhan4 [used only in compound words (or as a family name)]: to tremble, to shiver (with cold)
- dou3: to tremble, to shiver
- de5: [noun-modifier marker] [here: integrated adjectival clause (restrictive relative clause)]
yi1 kuai4 rou4
piece of flesh
- yi1 kuai4: a piece of
- yi1 [pronounced “yi2” before a 4th-tone syllable]: one, a
- kuai4: [classifier for pieces/lumps]
- rou4: meat, flesh
Zhe4ge5 ji4hua4 zhen1 ke3pa4!
- Simplified characters: 这个计划真可怕! / Traditional characters: 這個計劃真可怕!
- Back-translation of Mandarin: This plan is truly horrible!
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
Juhguh JEE HUA jun kuhPAH!
- Translated from script English:
There's nothing about this plan that isn't horrific!
- Context: Serenity (movie) [Mostly inaudible], Wash, about Mal’s dangerous plan [also described in Serenity (novelization), p. 195]
zhe4ge5 ji4hua4
this plan
- zhe4ge5: this, this one
- zhe4: this
- ge5: [general classifier for nouns]
- ji4hua4: a plan
- ji4: a plan, a stratagem
- hua4 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: a plan
zhen1 ke3pa4
to be truly horrible
- zhen1: truly, indeed
- ke3pa4: horrible, fearful
- ke3: [prefix turning verb to adjective meaning ‘capable of’, ‘-able’/‘-ible’]
- pa4: to fear, to dread
Zhe4 shi4 shen2me5 lan4dong1xi5!?
- Simplified characters: 这是什么烂东西!? / Traditional characters: 這是什麼爛東西!?
- Back-translation of Mandarin: What is this trash!?
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
Je shr shuh muh lan dong shi!?
- Translated from script English:
What is this garbage!?
- Context: “Jaynestown,” Wash, referring to Mudder’s Milk
zhe4 shi4 shen2me5
what is this?
- zhe4: this
- shi4: to be
- shen2me5 [usually pronounced “she2me5”]: what?
- shen2 [used only in the compound word shen2me5]
- me5: [suffix for question words]
trash [noun], junk [noun]
- lan4: to be messy, to be dissolute
- dong1xi5: a thing, a creature
- dong1: east
- xi1: west
- Similar insults:
- Ni3 shi4 shen2me5 dong1xi5? 你是什么东西? (traditional: 你是什麼東西?): [insult] What are you anyway?, Who do you think you are?!; ni3: you (singular); shi4: to be; shen2me5 [usually pronounced “she2me5”]: what? [see main entry above]; dong1xi5: a thing, a creature [see main entry above]
- Ni3 bu4 shi4 dong1xi5 你不是东西 (traditional: 你不是東西 ): [insult] You’re nothing; ni3: you (singular); bu4 [pronounced “bu2” before a 4th-tone syllable]: not; shi4: to be; dong1xi5: a thing, a creature [see main entry above]
See also:
- Shen2me5? (“Serenity, Part 2” [Cut], “Shindig,” Serenity [movie] [Cut])
Zhe4 zhen1 shi4 ge5 kuai4le4 de5 jin4zhan3…
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
Juh jen sh guh kwai luh duh jean jan...
- See: O1, zhe4 zhen1 shi4 ge5 kuai4le4 de5 jin4zhan3… (O)
Zhen1 dao3mei2!
- Simplified/Traditional characters: 真倒霉!
- Back-translation of Mandarin: What rotten luck!
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
Jen dao mei!
- Translated from script English:
Just our luck!
- Context: “Bushwhacked,” Mal, upon realizing it was a Reaver attack
zhen1 dao3mei2
What rotten luck!
- zhen1: truly, indeed
- dao3mei2: to be unlucky, to be out of luck
- dao3: to fall down/over
- mei2: mildew, mold
zhen1 de5 shi4 tian1cai2
- Simplified/Traditional characters: 真的是天才
- Back-translation of Mandarin: is a real genius
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
jen duh sh tyen tsai
- Translated from script English:
an absolute genius
- Context: “The Train Job,” Kaylee, referring to Mal and his plans
zhen1 de5 shi4
to be a real (something)
- zhen1 de5: [variant of: zhen1] truly, indeed
- shi4: to be
a genius
- tian1: nature-given, heaven, God
- cai2 [used only in compound words]: a person with a capability
See also:
- tian1cai2 (“Bushwhacked” [Cut])
Zhen1 mei2 nai4xing4 de5 Fo2zu3
- Simplified characters: 真没耐性的佛祖 / Traditional characters: 真沒耐性的佛祖
- Back-translation of Mandarin: Buddha that truly has no patience
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
jen mei NAI-shing duh FWO-tzoo
- Translated from script English:
Extraordinarily impatient Buddha
- Context: “Heart of Gold,” Nandi, response to Mal’s gentlemanly manner
truly, indeed
mei2 nai4xing4 de5
that has no patience, without patience
- mei2: [abbreviation] →
mei2you3 没有 (traditional: 沒有 ): to have no (something), -less- mei2: not
- you3: to have, there is
- nai4xing4: patience, endurance
- nai4: patient
- xing4: [suffix making abstract nouns from adjectives], -ness, -ity
- de5: [noun-modifier marker] [here: integrated adjectival clause (restrictive relative clause)]
[Buddhism] [polite] Buddha, a Buddhist patriarch (sect founder)
- Fo2: [abbreviation] →
Fo2tuo2 佛陀 : [Buddhism] Buddha [loanword; transliteration for Buddha: [Sanskrit] The Awakened One (see note below)]- Fo2: [phonetically used Chinese character] [now only refers to Buddha/Buddhism]
- tuo2 [used only in compound words]: [phonetically used Chinese character]; [literally: a steep bank]
- zu3 [used only in compound words (or as a family name)]: an ancestor, a founder
- Buddha: The Chinese characters were used phonetically not for Modern Standard Mandarin (Putonghua) Fo2tuo2 (“fuo-tuo”) but for an older pronunciation like “biuət-da.” For reconstructed Middle Chinese (220–960 CE) pronunciations of the syllables of Fo2tuo2, see Bernhard Karlgren, Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino-Japanese (1923; reprint, New York: Dover, 1991), entry nos. 47, 1011.
- Also:
- Fo2jiao4 佛教 : Buddhism; Fo2: [abbreviation] → Fo2tuo2 佛陀 : [Buddhism] Buddha [see main entry above]; jiao4 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: religion
- Fo2jiao4tu2 佛教徒 : a Buddhist; Fo2jiao4: Buddhism [see above]; tu2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: a follower
See also:
- Ren2ci2 de5 Fo2zu3… (“Our Mrs. Reynolds”)
- Ren2ci2 de5 Fo2zu3, qing3 bao3you4 wo3men5… (Serenity [movie])
Zhen1 ta1ma1 yao4ming4. Zhu4yi4.
- Simplified characters: 真他妈要命。注意。 / Traditional characters: 真他媽要命。注意。
- Back-translation of Mandarin: This is damn dangerous. Pay attention.
- Script Mandarin translation (Hanyu Pinyin romanization):
Zhu yi.
[sic (see note below); phonetic for English speakers: Jun tah-mah yao-ming. Joo-ee.] - Translated from script English:
Watch your back.
- Context: “Serenity, Part 1,” Wash, to Zoe as she and the others go off to meet Badger
zhen1 ta1ma1 yao4ming4
[offensive] this is damn dangerous
- zhen1 ta1ma1 [de5]: [offensive] damn/damned [intensifier], f***ing [intensifier]
- zhen1: truly, indeed
- ta1ma1 [de5]: [offensive] damn/damned [intensifier], f***ing [intensifier]
- ta1ma1: his mother
- ta1 [de5]: his
- ta1: he
- [understood: de5 的 : [noun-modifier marker] [here: possessive (genitive), ’s, of]]
- ma1: [colloquial] a mom, a mother
- ta1 [de5]: his
- [optional: de5 的 : [noun-modifier marker] [here: possessive (genitive), ’s, of]]
- ta1ma1: his mother
- yao4ming4: to be dangerous, to be perilous
- yao4: to want
- ming4: a life
to pay attention
- zhu4 [used only in compound words (or as a classifier for certain nouns)]: to concentrate
- yi4 [used only in compound words]: attention
- Pronunciation: Wash sounds like “Juh ta ma yao ming. Joo-yee” instead of “Jun tah-mah yao-ming. Joo-ee.” But he definitely said more than the the script’s
Zhu yi.
See also:
- Ni3 ta1ma1 de5. Tian1xia4 suo3you3 de5 ren2. Dou1 gai1si3. (“Serenity, Part 1”)
- Ta1ma1 de5. (“Serenity, Part 1”)
- Ta1ma1 de5 hun2dan4. (“War Stories”)
- Ye1su1, ta1ma1 de5— (“Jaynestown”)
zheng1qi4 de5 gou3shi3dui1
- Simplified/Traditional characters: 蒸汽的狗屎堆
- Back-translation of Mandarin: steaming pile of crap (worthless thing)
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
jung chi duh go-se dway
[Taiwan Mandarin pronunciation (FAQ: Variety of Chinese)] - Translated from script English:
steaming crap pile
- Context: “Our Mrs. Reynolds” [Cut], Bandit 1, addressing disguised Jayne
zheng1qi4 de5
steamy, steaming
- zheng1qi4: steam [noun]
- zheng1 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: steam [noun]
- qi4 [used only in compound words]: steam [noun]
- de5: [noun-modifier marker] [here: possessive (genitive), ’s, of]
[offensive] a pile of dog crap, [insult] [offensive] a bastard (nonliteral)
- gou3shi3 [de5]: of dog crap
- gou3shi3: [insult] [offensive] crap (a worthless thing); [literally: [offensive] dog dung]
- gou3: a dog
- shi3: excrement, dung
- [understood: de5 的 : [noun-modifier marker] [here: possessive (genitive), ’s, of]]
- gou3shi3: [insult] [offensive] crap (a worthless thing); [literally: [offensive] dog dung]
- dui1: a stack, a pile
See also:
- gen1 hou2zi5 bi3 diu1 shi3 (“Heart of Gold”)
- gou3shi3 (“Shindig,” “Safe,” “Out of Gas,” “The Message” [Cut], Serenity [novelization])
- niu2shi3 (“War Stories”)
Zhu3 a5, ni3 ming2ming2 zhi1dao5 wo3 shi4 bang1 ni3 zuo4shi4, you4 he2 bi4 zhao3 wo3 ma2fan5 ne5?
- Comics Mandarin translation (simplified characters):
/ Traditional characters: 主阿,你明明知道我是幫你做事,又何必找我麻煩呢? - Back-translation of Mandarin: O Lord, You are obviously aware that I assist You in doing Your work; oh why must You cause me such trouble?
- Phonetic for English speakers: Joo ah, nee ming ming jee dao wuh shr bang nee tzuo shr, yo huh bee jao wuh ma fan nuh?
- Context: Serenity: Those Left Behind #1, Book, p. 9, addressing God after everyone leaves church
Zhu3 a5
O Lord
- zhu3: God, Lord
- a5: [marker of direct address of someone (vocative)]
ni3 ming2ming2 zhi1dao5 wo3 shi4 bang1 ni3 zuo4shi4
you are obviously aware that I assist you in doing your work
- ni3 ming2ming2 zhi1dao5: you obviously are aware
- ni3: you (singular)
- ming2ming2: clearly, obviously
- ming2 [for this meaning, used only in compound words]: [repeated] clear, obvious
- zhi1dao5: to know, to be aware of
- zhi1: to know
- dao4: a way
- wo3 shi4 bang1: it is I that assists
- wo3: I
- shi4: [puts focus on the sentence subject]; [literally: to be]
- bang1: to help, to assist
- ni3 zuo4shi4: you work
- ni3: you (singular)
- zuo4shi4: to work
- zuo4: to do, to make
- shi4: matters, business
you4 he2 bi4 zhao3 wo3 ma2fan5 ne5?
oh why must you cause me such trouble?
- you4 he2 bi4: oh why must
- you4: [used in rhetorical question to emphasize negative tone], (once) again (for past actions)
- he2: why?
- bi4: must
- zhao3 wo3 ma2fan5: to cause me trouble, to pick on me
- zhao3 ma2fan5: to cause someone trouble, to pick on someone
- zhao3: to seek
- ma2fan5: to bother, to trouble someone
- ma2: to be numbed, to be pockmarked; [literally: hemp]
- fan2: to trouble, to be troubled/annoyed
- wo3: me [indirect object]
- zhao3 ma2fan5: to cause someone trouble, to pick on someone
- ne5: [marker for questions (about something already mentioned or for emphasis)]
Zhu4fu2 ni3, mei4mei5.
- Simplified/Traditional characters: 祝福你,妹妹。
- Back-translation of Mandarin: Bless you, little sister.
- Script Mandarin translation (phonetic for English speakers):
TZOO-foo nee, mei mei.
[Taiwan Mandarin pronunciation (FAQ: Variety of Chinese)] - Translated from script English:
Blessings on you, dear sister.
- Context: “Heart of Gold,” Nandi, addressing Inara
zhu4fu2 ni3
bless you
- zhu4fu2: blessings, to bless, to wish happiness
- zhu4: to bless, to pray for blessing, to wish well
- fu2: a blessing, happiness
- ni3: you (singular)
little sister, younger sister
- mei4 [used only in compound words]: [repeated with neutral 5th tone] little sister, younger sister
Mandarin Words for Siblings Relation / Gender Female Male Older Sibling jie3jie5
older sisterge1ge5
older brotherYounger Sibling mei4mei5
younger sisterdi4di5
younger brother
See also:
- mei4mei5 (“Serenity, Part 1,” “Safe,” “Our Mrs. Reynolds” [Cut], “Ariel,” “War Stories,” “Heart of Gold”)
- xiao3mei4mei4 (“Serenity, Part 2,” Serenity: Better Days #1 & #2)
- Script Mandarin translation (Hanyu Pinyin romanization):
Zhu yi.
- See: Zhen1 ta1ma1 yao4ming4. Zhu4yi4. [above]